Dear Families,
Due to it being a "shortened" school week because of Thanksgiving Monday, the students and I were eager to get back to our learning and even complete work that we may have missed from the holiday.  I truly have a motivated group of children in my class which makes me feel so happy!!

Dairy Presentation:
Thank you Mrs. Opt'hoog for organizing a special presentation for our students in Grades K-6!  On Tuesday morning, Charlotte a dairy farmer came to our school to teach us about the importance and nutritional value of consuming milk on a daily basis.  She shared with us the different types of milk (E.g., soy, almond) that some people must consume due to a dairy allergy.  Here at Nottawa, we do have a few students who fall into this category so we must be contentious when we buy milk from the school milk program.  

Charlotte also taught us the important nutrients that milk provides and how milk helps specific parts of our body.  Students were intrigued from the beginning of the lesson to the end.  Farmer Charlotte provided a very engaging lesson using the SmartBoard to show us live videos, photographs, and students even played an interactive game (check out the pictures below) to demonstrate their knowledge.  Everyone was attentive throughout the presentation, it was a delight to see! Please ask your child over the weekend about this experience and what they learned :) We had a mooreffic time!

Data Management:
Where does the time go?!  We have wrapped up our learning for Place Value.  I hope you were able to celebrate your child's achievement when their place value assessment came home Wednesday.  Of course throughout the year, I will continue reinforcing this concept, but we are now moving on to our next unit - Data Management!  Perhaps you already knew this as you read the math note that came home on Thursday :)  If so, thanks for this!  I gave students a 'diagnostic assessment' today to see what they learned from their previous school year.  This helps me understand what they already know and concepts I must reinforce to prepare them for their current grade level. 

During the next 2.5 weeks, your child will:
  • design surveys to collect data
  • sort/organize data using Venn diagrams and tally charts 
  • represent data by creating pictographs and bar graphs with scales of 2, 5, 10 
  • describe and interpret bars graphs and pictographs  
  • Students will explore what makes a survey question a good one, how best to organize and display a given data set, and what sorts of things a graph can tell us
Team Giv’r:
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of having Kenneth and Ryan from Amazing Race Canada visit our school to share their experiences and learning from being on the TV show.  Their motivational talk was inspiring to say the least.  See if your child can tell you what the term GIV’R means (HINT: “GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!”).  This resonated very well and I could tell students understood their powerful message and some even tried to instill this trait during the school day.  I overheard Nate while he was completing his math say to himself, "Ok, ok, give it all you got!"  This made my day!!  Ryan and Kenneth have left a lasting impression on all of us and have taught us the importance of resilience, perseverance, and optimism.  Staff and students will always remember this presentation as we left feeling energized and ready to be the best we can be! Below is a whole school photograph with our amazing race competitors!!  Giv'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

Media Literacy:
On day 3's from 12:00-1:00 pm, students are with Mrs. Johnson in the library to learn about media!  Today, they learned all about slogans, logos, and jingles.  They used the Chromebooks to find a logo and begin a PowerPoint presentation.  Ask your child what they came up with so far!  

Book Exchange:
If you have any books at home from the school, please return them by Monday.  We do book exchange once a week which falls on Day 3's from 2:00 - 2:30 pm.  Thank you.

School Pictures:
I received the school pictures later in the day and as such will be handing those out to students on Monday.  They will be safely placed into their agenda bags.  I'm sure you're eager to see your child's bright eyes and smile :)    

Growth Mindset:
This week's growth mindset comes from Nate ...way to go, buddy!

"Never say NEVER!" - Nate

Miss Gill


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